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For more information Contact Larry Stein (405) 713-1201 Cell (405) 361-9307
“More and more businesses are at the forefront of innovation as the Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office upgrades the experience of filing Business Personal Property Returns on our internationally recognized website. Business Personal Property consists of tangible assets including furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, computers and inventory used for business purposes. Those filing Business Personal Renditions as required by law in Oklahoma can use our online portal free of charge,” said Oklahoma County Assessor Larry Stein.
“In Oklahoma County, approximately 4,200 Business Personal filings were completed electronically as people used our online option last year. Businesses saved money on postage. The County saves money because paperwork is eliminated that would require scanning, storage and eventual destruction by a document destruction company,” Stein said.
A ten percent increase in the number of electronic Business Personal filings occurred from 2023 to 2024, and the Assessor’s Office hopes to see an even greater increase in 2025. “Oklahoma County leads the way in serving the public with technology, and our online filing portal has new enhanced features. We encourage business owners as well as tax representatives to join thousands of Oklahoma County taxpayers already using this service and file online,” Stein said.
“Both the Budget Board and the Board of County Commissioners have supported the Assessor’s ability to provide useful technology to the public, and we greatly appreciate their assistance,” Stein said.
To avoid penalties, file Business Personal Property Returns before March 15th. “If you have questions, please call (405) 713-1222. We have great staff working with Business Personal Property, and they are happy to assist you,” Stein said.
The work of the County Assessor is responsible for providing funding for local law enforcement, schools, colleges, technology centers, libraries, the city/county health department and many other essential services.
OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma County jury found Melvin Kemp Sr. guilty on a total of 41 charges late ...
Commissioner Blumert urges residents to participate actively in Mental Health Month by spreading awa...
Meeting for public hearing beginning at 10 am on Friday, June 14, 2024, at the Oklahoma County Gover...
MORE Seniors Eligible for Property Tax Savings Income Limit Increases 4 Percent--$89,500
The jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts yesterday and recommended a sentence of 10 years fo...
Oklahoma County – Yesterday, the Oklahoma County Board of Commissioners voted to allocate an additi...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102