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Posted on: April 20, 2017The Civil Process Division and the Sheriff Foreclosure Sales Division have moved to a new location. Starting immediately, citizens needing to conduct business with the Civil Processing or Sheriff Foreclosure Sales Divisions will need to visit their new location at 2101 NE 36TH St., Oklahoma City, OK 73111. Please note, the Sheriff Foreclosure Sales will still be held in the Oklahoma County Courthouse Annex Building at 320 Robert S. Kerr, Room 101. The Civil Pro...
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Coronavirus & Property Values

31 Jul, 2020 | Assessor |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAPRIL 20, 2020FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTLarry Stein(405) 713-1201 work(405) 361-9307 cellCoronavirus and Property ValuesThe Assessor’s Office is extremely concerned about the impact of the Covid-19 Virus on values of all property types in Oklahoma County. Our staff will undertake a complete re-evaluation of ALL of the nearly 330,000 parcels of property in Oklahoma County’s 720 square miles this year to determine any impact on property values. The results of tha...
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