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A recent article was published by Bloomberg ranking Oklahoma City as the second most affordable real estate market. Read the full article titled, "These Are the World’s Most Affordable and Least Affordable Cities to Buy a Home".
Saving Our Youth Oklahoma City (SOY OKC) is hosting the return of its summer evening basketball prog...
The Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office has dismissed the First Degree Murder charge against...
-- ATTENTION --All deeds presented for recording MUST have attached as an exhibit, an affidavit comp...
We've been working hard to create a new Oklahoma County website focusing on enhanced user experi...
Beginning of the OfficeThe Office of Sheriff and the law enforcement, judicial and correctional func...
Oklahoma County District Court Attorney Vicki Zemp Behenna requests dismissal of the case against Gl...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102