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Sgt. Bobby Swartz was killed in the line of duty on Monday. In recognition of his sacrifice Oklahoma County will be closing at noon on Friday so that those wishing to attend his memorial service may do so. The funeral will be located at Crossings Community Church located at 14600 N Portland Ave on Aug 26th at 1pm.
Our continued prayers are with the Swartz family as well as Deputy Mark Johns who was also critically injured in the shooting. On behalf of a grateful county we are beyond thankful for their service and deeply mourn the passing of Sgt. Swartz.
Seniors Earning less than $85,300 Eligible
On this page you will find the latest updated information on the OCSO’s response the the COVID...
Oklahoma City - The Oklahoma County Home Finance Authority (OCHFA) recently awarded $2 million in Am...
Watch part 1 video.
Yesterday in Oklahoma County District Court, Gabriel Aguilar, 29, entered a Blind Plea of Guilty for...
Today, the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appointed Dr. Andrea Benjamin to fil...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102