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For Immediate Release --- August 7th, 2023
Contact: Commissioner Carrie Blumert (405) 713-1501
Oklahoma County – County Commissioner Carrie Blumert sponsored a resolution at today’s Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners meeting declaring August as Breastfeeding Month in Oklahoma County. The resolution was approved by the board on a 3-0 vote.
Blumert, who holds a master’s in public health, has been a vocal proponent of raising awareness of the many issues Oklahoma County residents face when dealing with their physical and mental health. “Lactating mothers should feel comfortable and safe breastfeeding anywhere they need to, including at the Oklahoma County Courthouse. I am so proud of this resolution and our brand new, beautiful lactation rooms.” said Blumert.
National Breastfeeding Month is public outreach campaign to raise awareness about the health benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their infants. In addition to health-related benefits, the campaign also focuses on removing barriers for mothers who desire to breastfeed, as well as the contributions of those who provide support for lactating mothers.
Commissioner Blumert noted that her representative to the County Handbook Committee has been working on and advocating for the inclusion of a lactation policy for Oklahoma County employees. Blumert also said her office was the driving force in the county establishing a lactation room for employees and the public in the County Annex. Any employee or resident who comes to the Oklahoma County Courthouse now has a quiet, welcoming space on the 1st floor for breastfeeding or pumping.
Joining Commissioner Blumert at the meeting to speak about the importance of National Breastfeeding Month were Heidi Russell, Executive Director of Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates, Lauren Garder (Licensed Professional Counselor with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and Tre’ Williams with the Oklahoma City County Health Department.
For More Information:
Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates 405-297-5683 Ext. 105 or>
Oklahoma City – County Health Department 405-427-8651 or
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