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A Proclamation Congratulating Students for their Participation in the Commissioner’s Art Competition

30 Oct, 2023 | Return|

Resolution No. 2023-4534

WHEREAS, the Oklahoma County High School Art Competition has successfully showcased the creative talents of young artists in Districts 1 and 3, offering a platform for artistic expression; and

WHEREAS, these young artists have used various mediums to explore and celebrate the profound beauty and different atmospheric elements that define our skies, displaying an admirable mix of creativity, originality, and a deep appreciation for nature; and

WHEREAS, the selected artworks are proudly displayed on the Oklahoma County Annex Building's 6th floor, symbolizing the beautiful convergence of art, nature, and community; and

WHEREAS, each winning artist has been duly recognized and honored with a certificate from the Oklahoma County Commissioners Blumert and Davidson, marking not only their outstanding artistic achievements but also the promise of many more creative endeavors to come;

WHEREAS, we extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Allied Arts for their invaluable assistance in judging the art submissions, their commitment to promoting and nurturing the arts in our community is truly commendable;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County extend our heartfelt congratulations and deepest commendations to the Oklahoma County High School Art Competition winners. Be it further resolved that we celebrate their artistic excellence and acknowledge their valuable contributions to their schools and our joint Oklahoma County community.

APPROVED this 25th day of October, 2023.



District 3 Road Closure Notice

Arcadia, Oklahoma -- Westminster Road to be closed temporarily April 24th-26th

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DA Seeks to Dismiss Case Against Glynn Simmons

Oklahoma County District Court Attorney Vicki Zemp Behenna requests dismissal of the case against Gl...

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OCSO Build a Badge Competition

The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office is changing its logo, and we need your help!  We are...

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Commissioner Carrie Blumert Leads Efforts for Behavioral Care Center in Oklahoma County

Today, with a motion from Commissioner Carrie Blumert, the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissio...

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Beginning of the Office

Beginning of the OfficeThe Office of Sheriff and the law enforcement, judicial and correctional func...

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