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Archive by author: SheenaReturn
Beginning of the OfficeThe Office of Sheriff and the law enforcement, judicial and correctional functions he performs are more than 1,000 years old. The Office of Sheriff dates back at least to the reign of Alfred the Great of England, and some scholars even argue that the Office of Sheriff was first created during the Roman occupation of England.Around 500 AD, Germanic tribes from Europe (called the Anglo-Saxons) began an invasion of Celtic England which eventually led over the centuries to the...
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UPDATE: Foreclosure Sales

03 Aug, 2020 | Announcements |
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and out of an overabundance of caution and concern for the health and safety of the citizens of Oklahoma County, we are suspending all foreclosure sales until the tentative date of July 9th, 2020.Currently the Oklahoma County Courts are limiting the amount of people to 10 or less at this time in their courtrooms, which wouldn’t be conducive for our sale. Depending on the restrictions for COVID-19 come July 9th, we may need to limit the amount of people that ...
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