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We are happy to tell everyone that we are winding down our paving before the end of 2024. Here are some updates on our projects. The Penn overlay between Covell and Coffee Creek has been completed. The Danforth overlay in Arcadia between Westminster and Division is complete. We have completed the joint project with Edmond on Air Depot between Danforth and Covell. The joint project with Oklahoma City between Britton and Wilshire was finished in late October. Also of interest, the 178th bridge project (Edmond Road) between Council and Rockwell will be completed and the road reopened on December 20th. The bridge on Coffee Creek between Portland and May is in progress and should be completed by early summer. Over the next few winter months, we are beginning to work on the extension of Henny Road between 164th and 178th. Also, we will be in various subdivisions patching and repairing those potholes that have been reported. We thank everyone for their patience as we try to improve the roads in Oklahoma County.
Key Items for Discussion/Approval: Financial Approvals and Reports, Community Recognitions & Proclam...
The jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts yesterday and recommended a sentence of 10 years fo...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAPRIL 20, 2020FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTLarry Stein(405) 713-1201 work(405) 3...
An Oklahoma County jury found Rodney Staten guilty of Murder in the First Degree for the 2019 stabbi...
Oklahoma County is now accepting proposals from the community for funding from the American Rescue P...
We've been working hard to create a new Oklahoma County website focusing on enhanced user experi...
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320 Robert S. Kerr Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102